trait Requests extends Urls with Methods with SemigroupalSyntax

Known Subclasses
Assets, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, ChunkedJsonRequestEntities, ChunkedJsonResponseEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonCodecs, JsonEntities, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, LowLevelEndpoints, MuxEndpoints, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, Assets, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, ChunkedJsonRequestEntities, ChunkedJsonResponseEntities, ChunkedRequestEntities, ChunkedResponseEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, JsonEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, MuxEndpoints, Assets, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromEncodersAndDecoders, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, MuxEndpoints, Assets, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntities, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, MuxEndpoints, Requests, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, MuxEndpoints, BasicAuthentication, ChunkedEntities, ChunkedJsonEntities, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntities, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, JsonEntitiesFromEncodersAndDecoders, JsonEntitiesFromSchemas, MuxEndpoints, BasicAuthentication, Endpoints, EndpointsWithCustomErrors, JsonEntitiesFromCodecs, MuxEndpoints
Type Hierarchy
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. Requests
  2. SemigroupalSyntax
  3. Methods
  4. Urls
  5. PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax
  6. InvariantFunctorSyntax
  7. AnyRef
  8. Any
  1. by any2stringadd
  2. by StringFormat
  3. by Ensuring
  4. by ArrowAssoc
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. implicit class InvariantFunctorSyntax[A, F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods for values of type F[A] for which there is an implicit InvariantFunctor[F] instance.

    Extension methods for values of type F[A] for which there is an implicit InvariantFunctor[F] instance.

    Definition Classes
  2. implicit class PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax[A, F[_]] extends AnyRef
  3. implicit class SemigroupalSyntax[A, F[_]] extends AnyRef
    Definition Classes
  4. abstract type Method

    HTTP Method

    HTTP Method

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract type Path[A] <: Url[A]

    An URL path carrying an A information

    An URL path carrying an A information

    Values of type Path[A] can be constructed by the operations path, segment, and remainingSegments.

    path / "user" / segment[UUID]("id")
    • Server interpreters raise an error if they can’t parse the incoming request path as a value of type A. By default, they produce a Bad Request (400) response with a list of error messages in a JSON array. Refer to the documentation of your server interpreter to customize this behavior.
    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PathOps, InvariantFunctorSyntax, and the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  6. abstract type QueryString[A]

    A query string carrying an A information

    A query string carrying an A information

    QueryString values can be created with the qs operation, and can be combined with the & operation:

    val queryPageAndLang: QueryString[(Int, Option[String])] =
      qs[Int]("page") & qs[Option[String]]("lang")
    • Server interpreters raise an error if they can’t parse the incoming request query string parameters as a value of type A. By default, they produce a Bad Request (400) response with a list of error messages in a JSON array. Refer to the documentation of your server interpreter to customize this behavior.
    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the QueryStringSyntax, InvariantFunctorSyntax, and the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  7. abstract type QueryStringParam[A]

    A query string parameter codec for type A.

    A query string parameter codec for type A.

    The trait Urls provides implicit instances of type QueryStringParam[A] for basic types (e.g., Int, String, etc.). You can create additional instances by transforming or refining the existing instances with xmap and xmapPartial.

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and the InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  8. abstract type Request[A]

    Information carried by a whole request (headers and entity)

    Information carried by a whole request (headers and entity)

    Values of type Request[A] can be constructed by using the operations request, get, post, put, or delete.

    • Server interpreters raise an error if they can’t parse the incoming request as a value of type A. By default, they produce a Bad Request (400) response with a list of error messages in a JSON array. Refer to the documentation of your server interpreter to customize this behavior.

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and RequestSyntax classes.

  9. abstract type RequestEntity[A]

    Information carried by request entity

    Information carried by request entity

    Values of type RequestEntity[A] can be constructed by using the operations emptyRequest or textRequest. Additional types of request entities are provided by other algebra modules, such as JsonEntities or ChunkedEntities.

    • Server interpreters raise an error if they can’t parse the incoming request entity as a value of type A. By default, they produce a Bad Request (400) response with a list of error messages in a JSON array. Refer to the documentation of your server interpreter to customize this behavior.

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and RequestEntitySyntax classes.

  10. implicit class RequestEntitySyntax[A] extends AnyRef
  11. abstract type RequestHeaders[A]

    Information carried by requests’ headers.

    Information carried by requests’ headers.

    You can construct values of type RequestHeaders by using the operations requestHeader, optRequestHeader, or emptyRequestHeaders.

    • Server interpreters raise an error if they can’t parse the incoming request headers as a value of type A. By default, they produce a Bad Request (400) response with a list of error messages in a JSON array. Refer to the documentation of your server interpreter to customize this behavior.

    This type has implicit methods provided by the SemigroupalSyntax and PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  12. implicit final class RequestSyntax[A] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods for Request.

  13. abstract type Segment[A]

    An URL path segment codec for type A.

    An URL path segment codec for type A.

    The trait Urls provides implicit instances of Segment[A] for basic types (e.g., Int, String, etc.). You can create additional instances by transforming or refining the existing instances with xmap and xmapPartial.

    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and the InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  14. abstract type Url[A]

    An URL carrying an A information

    An URL carrying an A information

    Values of type URL[A] are typically constructed by first using the path constructor and then chaining it with segments and query parameters.

    path / "users" / segment[UUID]("id") /? qs[String]("apiKey")
    • Server interpreters raise an error if they can’t parse the incoming request URL as a value of type A. By default, they produce a Bad Request (400) response with a list of error messages in a JSON array. Refer to the documentation of your server interpreter to customize this behavior.
    Definition Classes

    This type has implicit methods provided by the PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax classes.

  15. abstract type WithDefault[A]

    This type is necessary to express different perspectives of servers and clients on optional query string parameters with default value:

    This type is necessary to express different perspectives of servers and clients on optional query string parameters with default value:

    • Client interpreters should define it as Option[A] and omit query string parameters with default value that are empty
    • Server interpreters should define it as A and accept incoming requests whose query string parameters with default value are missing, while providing the defined default value
    • Documentation interpreters should mark the parameter as optional and document the provided default value
    Definition Classes
  16. implicit class PathOps[A] extends AnyRef

    Convenient methods for Paths.

    Convenient methods for Paths.

    Definition Classes
  17. implicit class QueryStringSyntax[A] extends AnyRef

    Extension methods on QueryString.

    Extension methods on QueryString.

    Definition Classes

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def Delete: Method

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def Get: Method

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def Options: Method

    Definition Classes
  4. abstract def Patch: Method

    Definition Classes
  5. abstract def Post: Method

    Definition Classes
  6. abstract def Put: Method

    Definition Classes
  7. abstract def chainPaths[A, B](first: Path[A], second: Path[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, B]): Path[Out]

    Chains the two paths

    Chains the two paths

    Definition Classes
  8. abstract def choiceRequestEntity[A, B](requestEntityA: RequestEntity[A], requestEntityB: RequestEntity[B]): RequestEntity[Either[A, B]]

    Alternative between two possible request entities, differentiated by the Content-Type header

    Alternative between two possible request entities, differentiated by the Content-Type header


    If A and B are both JSON-encoded and use disjoint schemas, use endpoints4s.algebra.JsonSchemas.TaggedOps#orElse at the schema level instead

    • Server interpreters accept either of the request entities
    • Client interpreters provide one of the two request entities
    • Documentation interpreters list all possible content types and their entities
  9. abstract def combineQueryStrings[A, B](first: QueryString[A], second: QueryString[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, B]): QueryString[Out]

    Concatenates two QueryStrings

    Concatenates two QueryStrings

    Definition Classes
  10. abstract def emptyRequest: RequestEntity[Unit]

    Empty request -- request without a body.

    Empty request -- request without a body. Use description of endpoints4s.algebra.Endpoints#endpoint to document an empty body.

  11. abstract def emptyRequestHeaders: RequestHeaders[Unit]

    Ignore headers

    Ignore headers

    • Server interpreters don’t try to parse any information from the request headers,
    • Client interpreters supply no specific headers

    Use description of endpoints4s.algebra.Endpoints#endpoint to document empty headers.

  12. abstract def optRequestHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation = None): RequestHeaders[Option[String]]

    An optional request header

    An optional request header


    Header name (e.g., “Authorization”)

  13. implicit abstract def optionalQueryStringParam[A](implicit arg0: QueryStringParam[A]): QueryStringParam[Option[A]]

    Make a query string parameter optional:

    Make a query string parameter optional:

    path / "articles" /? qs[Option[Int]]("page")
    • Client interpreters must omit optional query string parameters that are empty.
    • Server interpreters must accept incoming requests whose optional query string parameters are missing, and they must report a failure for incoming requests whose optional query string parameters are present, but malformed,
    • Documentation interpreters should mark the parameter as optional.
    Definition Classes
  14. implicit abstract def pathPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Path]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  15. abstract def qs[A](name: String, docs: Documentation = None)(implicit value: QueryStringParam[A]): QueryString[A]

    Builds a QueryString with one parameter.

    Builds a QueryString with one parameter.


    qs[Int]("page")            // mandatory `page` parameter
    qs[Option[String]]("lang") // optional `lang` parameter
    qs[List[Long]]("id")       // repeated `id` parameter

    Type of the value carried by the parameter


    Parameter’s name

    Definition Classes
  16. implicit abstract def queryStringParamPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryStringParam]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  17. implicit abstract def queryStringPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[QueryString]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  18. abstract def remainingSegments(name: String = "", docs: Documentation = None): Path[String]

    The remaining segments of the path.

    The remaining segments of the path. The String value carried by this Path is still URL-encoded.

    Definition Classes
  19. implicit abstract def repeatedQueryStringParam[A, CC[X] <: Iterable[X]](implicit arg0: QueryStringParam[A], factory: Factory[A, CC[A]]): QueryStringParam[CC[A]]

    Support query string parameters with multiple values:

    Support query string parameters with multiple values:

    path / "articles" /? qs[List[Long]]("id")
    • Server interpreters must accept incoming requests where such parameters are missing (in such a case, its value is an empty collection), and report a failure if at least one value is malformed.
    Definition Classes
  20. abstract def request[UrlP, BodyP, HeadersP, UrlAndBodyPTupled, Out](method: Method, url: Url[UrlP], entity: RequestEntity[BodyP] = emptyRequest, docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUB: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, BodyP, UrlAndBodyPTupled], tuplerUBH: Tupler.Aux[UrlAndBodyPTupled, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Request for given parameters

    Request for given parameters


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by body


    Payload carried by headers


    Payloads of Url and Body tupled together by Tupler


    Request method


    Request URL


    Request entity


    Request documentation


    Request headers

  21. implicit abstract def requestEntityPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestEntity]

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    See also


  22. abstract def requestHeader(name: String, docs: Documentation = None): RequestHeaders[String]

    A required request header

    A required request header


    Header name (e.g., “Authorization”)

  23. implicit abstract def requestHeadersPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[RequestHeaders]

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    See also


  24. implicit abstract def requestHeadersSemigroupal: Semigroupal[RequestHeaders]

    Provides ++ operation.

    Provides ++ operation.

    See also


  25. implicit abstract def requestPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Request]

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    Provides the operations xmap and xmapPartial.

    See also


  26. abstract def segment[A](name: String = "", docs: Documentation = None)(implicit s: Segment[A]): Path[A]

    A path segment carrying an A information

    A path segment carrying an A information

    Definition Classes
  27. implicit abstract def segmentPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Segment]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations.

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  28. abstract def staticPathSegment(segment: String): Path[Unit]

    A path segment whose value is the given segment

    A path segment whose value is the given segment

    Definition Classes
  29. implicit abstract def stringQueryString: QueryStringParam[String]

    Ability to define String query string parameters

    Ability to define String query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  30. implicit abstract def stringSegment: Segment[String]

    Path segment codec for type String

    Path segment codec for type String

    • Server interpreters should return an URL-decoded string value,
    • Client interpreters should take an URL-decoded string value.
    Definition Classes
  31. abstract def textRequest: RequestEntity[String]

    Request with a String body.

    Request with a String body.

    • Server interpreters accept requests with content-type text/plain and reject requests with an incorrect content-type.
    • Server interpreters will use the character encoding set in the content-type header to determine how the text is decoded.
    • Client interpreters supply content-type text/plain with an explicit character encoding
  32. implicit abstract def urlPartialInvariantFunctor: PartialInvariantFunctor[Url]

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations

    Provides xmap and xmapPartial operations

    Definition Classes
    See also

    PartialInvariantFunctorSyntax and InvariantFunctorSyntax

  33. abstract def urlWithQueryString[A, B](path: Path[A], qs: QueryString[B])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, B]): Url[Out]

    Builds an URL from the given path and query string

    Builds an URL from the given path and query string

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def +(other: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toany2stringadd[Requests] performed by method any2stringadd in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  4. def ->[B](y: B): (Requests, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toArrowAssoc[Requests] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. def addRequestHeaders[A, H](request: Request[A], headers: RequestHeaders[H])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, H]): Request[Out]

    Add the provided headers to the request.

  7. def addRequestQueryString[A, Q](request: Request[A], queryString: QueryString[Q])(implicit tupler: Tupler[A, Q]): Request[Out]

    Add the provided queryString to the request.

  8. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  9. implicit def booleanQueryString: QueryStringParam[Boolean]

    Query string parameter containing a Boolean value

    Query string parameter containing a Boolean value

    Definition Classes
  10. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  11. final def delete[UrlP, HeadersP, Out](url: Url[UrlP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUH: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform DELETE request

    Helper method to perform DELETE request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by headers

  12. implicit def doubleQueryString: QueryStringParam[Double]

    Codec for query string parameters of type Double

    Codec for query string parameters of type Double

    Definition Classes
  13. implicit def doubleSegment: Segment[Double]

    Path segment codec for type Double

    Path segment codec for type Double

    Definition Classes
  14. def ensuring(cond: (Requests) => Boolean, msg: => Any): Requests
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toEnsuring[Requests] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  15. def ensuring(cond: (Requests) => Boolean): Requests
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toEnsuring[Requests] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  16. def ensuring(cond: Boolean, msg: => Any): Requests
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toEnsuring[Requests] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  17. def ensuring(cond: Boolean): Requests
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toEnsuring[Requests] performed by method Ensuring in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
  18. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  19. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  20. final def get[UrlP, HeadersP, Out](url: Url[UrlP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUH: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform GET request

    Helper method to perform GET request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by headers

  21. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  22. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  23. implicit def intQueryString: QueryStringParam[Int]

    Ability to define Int query string parameters

    Ability to define Int query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  24. implicit def intSegment: Segment[Int]

    Path segment codec for type Int

    Path segment codec for type Int

    Definition Classes
  25. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  26. implicit def longQueryString: QueryStringParam[Long]

    Query string parameter containing a Long value

    Query string parameter containing a Long value

    Definition Classes
  27. implicit def longSegment: Segment[Long]

    Path segment codec for type Long

    Path segment codec for type Long

    Definition Classes
  28. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  29. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  30. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @IntrinsicCandidate() @native()
  31. def optQsWithDefault[A](name: String, default: A, docs: Documentation = None)(implicit value: QueryStringParam[A]): QueryString[WithDefault[A]]

    Builds a QueryString with one optional parameter, which has a default value.

    Builds a QueryString with one optional parameter, which has a default value.


    optQsWithDefault[Int]("page", 1) // optional `page` parameter, with default value 1

    Type of the value carried by the parameter


    Parameter’s name

    Definition Classes
  32. final def patch[UrlP, BodyP, HeadersP, UrlAndBodyPTupled, Out](url: Url[UrlP], entity: RequestEntity[BodyP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUB: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, BodyP, UrlAndBodyPTupled], tuplerUBH: Tupler.Aux[UrlAndBodyPTupled, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform PATCH request

    Helper method to perform PATCH request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by body


    Payload carried by headers


    Payloads of Url and Body tupled together by Tupler


    Request documentation

  33. val path: Path[Unit]

    An empty path.

    An empty path.

    Useful to begin a path definition:

    path / "foo" / segment[Int] /? qs[String]("bar")
    Definition Classes
  34. final def post[UrlP, BodyP, HeadersP, UrlAndBodyPTupled, Out](url: Url[UrlP], entity: RequestEntity[BodyP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUB: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, BodyP, UrlAndBodyPTupled], tuplerUBH: Tupler.Aux[UrlAndBodyPTupled, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform POST request

    Helper method to perform POST request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by body


    Payload carried by headers


    Payloads of Url and Body tupled together by Tupler


    Request documentation

  35. final def put[UrlP, BodyP, HeadersP, UrlAndBodyPTupled, Out](url: Url[UrlP], entity: RequestEntity[BodyP], docs: Documentation = None, headers: RequestHeaders[HeadersP] = emptyRequestHeaders)(implicit tuplerUB: Tupler.Aux[UrlP, BodyP, UrlAndBodyPTupled], tuplerUBH: Tupler.Aux[UrlAndBodyPTupled, HeadersP, Out]): Request[Out]

    Helper method to perform PUT request

    Helper method to perform PUT request


    Payload carried by url


    Payload carried by body


    Payload carried by headers


    Payloads of Url and Body tupled together by Tupler

  36. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  37. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  38. implicit def uuidQueryString: QueryStringParam[UUID]

    Ability to define UUID query string parameters

    Ability to define UUID query string parameters

    Definition Classes
  39. implicit def uuidSegment: Segment[UUID]

    Path segment codec for type UUID

    Path segment codec for type UUID

    Definition Classes
  40. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  41. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
  42. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes

Deprecated Value Members

  1. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated

    (Since version 9)

  2. def formatted(fmtstr: String): String
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toStringFormat[Requests] performed by method StringFormat in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes
    @deprecated @inline()

    (Since version 2.12.16) Use formatString.format(value) instead of value.formatted(formatString), or use the f"" string interpolator. In Java 15 and later, formatted resolves to the new method in String which has reversed parameters.

  3. def [B](y: B): (Requests, B)
    This member is added by an implicit conversion from Requests toArrowAssoc[Requests] performed by method ArrowAssoc in scala.Predef.
    Definition Classes

    (Since version 2.13.0) Use -> instead. If you still wish to display it as one character, consider using a font with programming ligatures such as Fira Code.

Inherited from Methods

Inherited from Urls

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Inherited by implicit conversion any2stringadd fromRequests to any2stringadd[Requests]

Inherited by implicit conversion StringFormat fromRequests to StringFormat[Requests]

Inherited by implicit conversion Ensuring fromRequests to Ensuring[Requests]

Inherited by implicit conversion ArrowAssoc fromRequests to ArrowAssoc[Requests]


Types introduced by the algebra


Operations creating and transforming values
